

Thank you for stopping by. My name is Konstantin. I’m delighted to welcome you on this website.

At the end of 2020, I had to migrate from one project to another one. Every day, multiple times per day, I needed to switch between them back and forth. Sometimes it was just opening a Jira board along with a GitHub page while I was in the context of another project, then I needed to quickly open the XCode project to check the old code.

It happened over and over again, having bookmarks in browsers and quick items in Finder didn’t seem to be fast enough. Alfred (an alternative to Spotlight) is one of my preferred tools, but I thought it can be done even faster. Instead of performing 4 clicks or 3 keypresses I believed it could be done in 2. Instead of relying on prediction algorithms and file indexing I wanted to get stable results.

Wedgetable is the result of combating this problem. You can add your most used apps, websites, folders and files to Wedgetable and access those items in milliseconds. Press a hotkey to open the app, press the second key to select what you need – it happens faster than you blink.

Since then I use it every day. If it solved my problem – I hope it will assist you too. Our lives are too short to spend them juggling browser windows and looking for the right folder.

Please do not hesitate to contact me about feature requests and improvements. I hope you like the product.

Best Regards,